It’s been a bit mad here, trying to get everything ready for a couple of small shows. But sometimes your best work comes out of that pressure hothouse, that manic activity. Ideas flow and magically come to fruition.
Below is the Orange Keller Bag. I’ve made versions of this bag before, but somehow the leather, the stitching and the proportions all work beautifully on this one. Carissa has been after me to ‘sign’ my work–so I decided to apply a leather bird to the front. This version will not be the final one–it is actually a template for my dyeing–but I like the idea. It’s subtle but identifying. The leather was two remnant pieces I have had for some time, durable and great to the hand. It measures 12″ x 14″ x 4″.
A few changes in the interior too.
Below are two new canvas totes, Bird with Attitude and Bird in a Hurry. I made myself a prototype of this bag some time ago and I have found it an excellent size for toting all my gear or filling with market produce. They each feature leather handles, outside pockets and an interior zipper pocket.
Things have not been so busy that I haven’t had time for the important things–Margaret Atwood last night in Picton, delightfully incisive in support of important County projects, both natural and cultural, and today the One-of-a-Kind show.
Hi Chris,
That orange bag is sensational! And what a brilliant idea to applique the bird as a signature. I like the way you’ve enclosed the outer zipper pocket in a circle (or circle-ish shape…). It adds some detail, but doesn’t take away from the clean lines. Cool.
Hi there, I am a college student in my 2nd year Interior Decorating. I am doing a project on rug hooking 🙂 I came across your blog on my searches and I am inspired. The color and designs are so much fun. I am wondering if there is anywhere in Toronto I could take a look at some hooked rugs or to learn more. Shops? Galleries? Can you help? Have a great day!
Hi Sarah
Have you been to the Textile Museum?
I don’t know of any rug hooking shops in Toronto, most are scattered outside the GTA. Martina Lesar is in Caledon and her rugs are for sale in Erin.
Thanks for your great comments on my blog.