It has been very cold and icy in Ontario this week. Wednesday everything was closed as we had a day of ice pellets and freezing rain. This is perfect weather for finishing my village runner. Below you see it as it was Tuesday with one block border done.
And here it is on Friday with one border left to go. It is approximately 15″ x 40″. You can see from the canvas at the end that I was undecided about the side borders. In the end I decided that the houses were the focus, followed by the sky and that the border needed to recede, to be there as an anchor, rather than a feature. Next steps, finish the border, whip and press. I’ll be back with the finished piece on the table in a week. Btw–if you look closely you will see some changes from the top to the bottom–little refinements which will continue until it is off the frame. 🙂
Wonderful design and colors.
Thanks, Sylvia!
This village runner is stunning!
Love the design, the colours, the texture, the contrasts, the proportions, everything.
Thanks, Irene!