I’m almost half-way through the whipping of Annie. I’ve promised myself I will not post any photos until the job is complete, in another month, I hope.
But anyway, it’s time to start a new project. I’m part of a show at a local gallery next fall, so I thought it would be fun to hook my slogan, Perfectly Imperfect, with a couple of crows looking on. I’m taking a course in borders at our local college in July and we were to hook the centre of a rug and come prepared to design borders. So this little runner fits the bill for that too.
I’ve piled some colours that I think will work for the birds. I love to use over-dyed Pendleton shirts to get a variety of values and shades. I’m soon going to start on the crows whom I already know are smarter than I am!
Hi there, I am way behind in my visits. This little mat looks like it is off to a great start. I love the lettering, in particular those swishy “Rs”. Looking forward to seeing it in class.
I also love, love, love that emerald bag and the new ones too. Note to self – enough CWB bags for now.
Glad to hear that Annie is in the whipping stages too. You are not slowing down for the summer.
Always wonderful to see a new start …. 😉
(…. and then later what it became !)
Your slogan is a favorite of mine, too.
Ran into it in my early codependency recovery days. 30 ears ago, thanks to Pia Mellody.