Hello again from Kenya. I am in Kisumu with a great view of Lake Victoria from my balcony so I plan to sketch it soon. I hope to post some of my sketches of Matangwe and Kisumu later this week. But first rug hooking news.
We have now finished our second week of rug hooking. The pile of woollen worms has really shrunk and we have been to Bondo to shop for T shirts. We were expecially looking for the colours of grass and sky. I am thrilled with the work especially the larger mats and chair seats which they have drawn of local scenes. I love the way they combine tshirts, wool and the occasional nylon stocing. Here are some samples of the work so far.
I’ve been hooking along with the women, using this piece to demonstrate technique. But as you can see from the work above, they are very fast learners and have a wonderful sense of colour and design. They have been inspired by Rug Hooking magazine and the slides I’ve shown them, but these pieces all have a Matangwe lens. It’s magic to watch these wonderful women translate their environment into hooking.
Congratulations to you and the women Christine. Their work is beautiful!
Beautiful work !!!!!
Wonderful hooked rugs! So taken with the colors and designs….