Yesterday Adam gave me a photography lesson. There is so much to come to terms with — but I now feel a little more comfortable moving from the automatic setting. Here are my pics of the wedding rug, trying to capture the texture and colours.
The centre image is done and I’ve made some decisions about the border. I knew that I needed to move the red out , and one line did not seem to be enough, so I filled in a bit with a wavy line which seems to work. I’m also trying to figure out how to separate the ‘grass’ from the border and I think I’ve settled on a wavy yellow-green line. The wedding date will go in the bottom right corner and then Owen and Carissa will be subtly along the right hand edge. And I am contemplating stars in the sky…and of course a few hearts sprinkled around.
I really have had no more than I general idea of where this rug was going, but that seems to be the way I work best — intuitively, stumbling along, just playing with the colours and images I love.
We are so so happy about this rug! The spot is cleared and we are excited to see the end result =)
The rug is beautiful! Can’t wait to see it finished,