We have been away for a few days at the cottage. A long weekend in June of clear weather and few on the lake–perfect. I enjoyed a swim and a few kayak paddles, but mostly soaked in the solitude, the bird song (including the 4 a.m. serenade of a whip-poor-will) and read The Tiger’s Wife by Téa Obreht. The novel won the Orange Prize in 2011–this is a prize I put much stock in–and make sure that I read each year’s choice. I have a new novel waiting for me–but first I am going to read my final Maggie O’Farrell. Oh the joys of summer reading!
Home now with a full week ahead–including tackling the wedding rug. Will post a progress report when I get a chance. In the meantime, here is a glimpse of the weekend.
Ah, I can hear the screen latch door creaking open as I write. Where is your cottage? That looks like a big lake.
What a lovely comment Elizabeth! The cottage is on a lake just east of Bancroft. It is about 8 miles long–and water-access only–which makes it relatively quiet. A great retreat.