I know I said that I would be back with photos of my new rug. It is progressing and I would love to show you…but I have had problems with my long-time Macbook. I’m using it here, but its functions are limited. It won’t accept photos from my camera or phone and we nearly put it under when we tried to download a new operating system. It’s clear that I will have to replace her before too very long.
I’ve been spending too much time removing photos and emails and files from said laptop in an attempt to unburden it and help it do its job, but it is a tedious and unrewarding task. This is further complicated by the new operating system which has totally reorganized (jumbled?) the files. More work to sort out! So I’m taking a break to connect with a short post of my sketches.
I am in Kingston for several days on a very pleasurable mission (grandparenting) and I’ve even had a little time for sketching (so much more fun that the computer sorting!) Here are two cafĂ© sketches from yesterday and today. I have no scanning or editing functions, so these are straight from the phone.
I always smile when I see an email from you. Sorry about your MacBook. Hope the grandparenting is rewarding. Happy Mother’s Day .
Dana in New Hampshire