A few years ago I took my first ‘group’ painting trip–to the south of France. While I really enjoyed the countryside and the people I was with (particularly my great roommate with whom I still correspond and who by the way is a great painter), I was clear from the beginning that I wanted to sketch in a sketch book and not work on big sheets of watercolour paper in the hopes of creating a work of art. I am a sketcher, not a painter. For me sketching is about capturing the moment, a way of recording where you were and how you were feeling about it, how it struck you. Inspired by some of the sketchers I love, I sketched my cappuccinos and my meals. This was a source of amazement and even annoyance for the teacher. But I persevered–and I am still at it. I love to sit in a café and paint the table and the surroundings and the people. I am working on producing sketches that are looser and bolder and more fun. That capture the essence even with a line or two.
Imagine my delight when I found a new sketcher today who does all these things in a post with Liz Steele, one of my favourites. I don’t think anyone has sketched more cups and cafés than Liz. And for inspiration, before a sketching trip, I always watch this delightful video. He makes it look so easy.
Hi Roomie! I have the greatest memories of that trip to France. Had so much fun at our “displaced” lodgings and discovering new adventures with a special friend – you! I admired your sketchbook so much that I copied your example and made a wonderful travel journal on my most recent trip to Limoux. Bonne chance in Africa.
I saw you had visited my blog and was intrigued. You are doing so well with the rug artwork and love your sketches.
If we could all let go and sketch our own stories the world would be a happier place.