This is another modification of the basic Keller bag. This one is not as tall and has an extra exterior pocket behind the zippered pocket. I think this will prove to be a useful and comfortable day bag. The pocket extends to a double bottom, making the bag very sturdy. Inside are two of my favourites: the great checked lining and the wwwdot birdbrain graphics on a double pocket.
This bag is made to specifications for someone very special. It is the third bag of this leather, one of the most beautiful and largest hides I have ever used. I like to use recycled pieces but every once in a while something comes along that I know I want to work with. And there is enough left for two or three more. Meanwhile this one is wrapped and under the tree.
Just beautiful, Christine. Merry Christmas to you!
jill in Ontario
Thanks so much, Jill. Best of the season to you too. I hope we meet up again in 2014.