Happy New Year to all of you. Over the last year I thought about closing down the blog as I am not posting with any regularity and hence my readership and comments are reduced as well. Instagram is so easy and fast. (You can connect to my Instagram using the button in the menu bar above.) But when it came down to a decision, I realized I am not ready to give up the spaciousness of the blog. I like the way ideas develop as I write and I like to look back and see where I’ve been. So for 2018 I will be here posting more frequently and then I will reassess this time next year.
I’ve been working on some new things for the New Year. The first is one I started some time ago–an Ipad sleeve. My Ipad is from 2011 and has a cracked screen. But it’s my travel companion and to prevent further damage it needs a good padded case. This one is made of my last piece of felt with some scraps of my favourite leathers.
And then I need a new travel bag. I sold the one I made last year–yes, as a used (well, gently worn-in) bag. Leather, as you know, gets better with time. Anyway…to the new bag. I had a piece of caramel leather and I wanted to try a travel back-pack, big enough to carry what I need for travel but not too out-sized or heavy. This is where I am so far. This is the back view, with a zippered pocket which sits securely against one’s back. I haven’t quite figured out how I am doing the straps, but think we will punch holes (without grommets) at the top–8 in all and feed the strap across the front so it closes the bag securely. But right now it’s sitting waiting while we work it out. The bag is unlined with simple lines. 14.5 x 14.5 x 5″ With any luck it will be done by the end of the week, ready for my trip next week.
Thank you so much for continuing to blog. I–for one–am rather sick of Instagram–Facebook etc–no depth–just fast and easy. Maybe that is what we have become as a nation–anything that is fast and easy–don’t think too much–just do it fast. Thanks again
Hi Christine. I, too, am happy you’ll be continuing with the blog. There are a few blogs I check on a regular basis and yours is one of them, even though I may not comment too often. I love the colours you choose for your projects–they’re happy colours! The new hooked piece is very interesting with the pieces of fabric sewn in and your bags are always gorgeous!
Happy New Year to you, too!
Jill in Ontario
Thank you to both of you for the reassuring comments about the blog. I plan to post more often and talk more about the behind the scenes work.