These days I am completing a few orders which I will photograph and post soon. And also working on the wedding rug which is so close to completion–fingers crossed it will be ready for 12/12/12! In the meantime here are some links that will inspire you.
The first is the promotional video for Danny Gregory’s new book, A Kiss Before You Go. Danny’s first book, The Creative Licence, gave me the inspiration to start sketching and, like many others, I have followed his drawings and writing over the years, absorbing the lessons. His new book is a beautiful testament to the power of love and art. I read it in one sitting.
My friend Nora sent me this video about children in Paraguay making music: It reminded my of the Kinshasa Symphony which I saw at the local doc fest last year. Both of these films are powerful documentaries, again about the power of love and art, and both have particular resonance for me. I am returning to rural Kenya in January. Right now I am working with local school children and rug hookers to gather art and hooking supplies to take with me. I will be teaching school again and working with adults in the community centre–hooking rugs! I met Heather Ritchie last year. Heather has been teaching rug hooking in Gambia for some time–and she inspired me to teach hooking in Matangwe, the small village I will be staying in for a month. We will begin with the women making rugs for themselves, but I hope we can turn our efforts into a small enterprise.
So this morning, as I make my way to my studio, I am thinking about the power of love and art–and the importance of sharing it. I hope that you have caught a little of the power too.
Christine: I am so glad you liked my book! Danny