Tomorrow I am leaving for two weeks in the south of Spain and France. It seems good timing just as the November rains and dark skies are descending. I have revised my palette, and have been using it this week just to see how the colours work on their own and together. I’m using a sketchbook 8″ tall and 5″ wide and I am liking the format. I hope I can post some sketches while I am away and stay in touch with you.Meanwhile, Sunday afternoon was another lovely day, so I went back to my spot on my stool by the courthouse and did a second sketch of Bellevue Terrace. I wanted to work on a better colour for the brick and shadows. This time I just concentrated on the doorway and the window above. In spite of the sun, it was a cold afternoon. So, I stayed outside as long as I could with the Terrace, then did a very quick sketch from the car of the view to the east, a multi-arched and buttressed steeple, a roof, some trees and the top of the church building. It was a great way to spend an hour, wedged between Sunday afternoon commitments. I love the way sketching leads you into another mind space altogether.
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