I was away last week and managed to do two sketches in small towns– the first on John Street in Port Hope. I was sitting in my car in a parking lot across the street sketching when a car pulled into a spot between me and the street, blocking much of my view. In one of those coincidences which seem to happen more when you sketch, the car owner turned out to be a former student who happily moved his car! The yellow building, from 1876, had been recently restored and was glowing in the sunlight.
I was in Guelph on Wednesday — a 20cm snowfall in Hamilton on Tuesday meant there was very limited travel. However, by Wednesday the roads were cleared and the sun shining. Sketching with a friend is something I rarely get to do, so sitting in Planet Bean, a great friendly cafe, and sketching the train station while catching up with my friend A was total pleasure. As you can see there was more talk than sketch…
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