It has been a very long time since I’ve written a post. However, the completion of my Jasika Blazer from Closet Core Patterns seems to be a good reason to write again. This is a daunting pattern, with many steps, but well worth making. The whole process not only produced a wonderful, wearable garment, but helped me up my sewing and pressing skills. I love the couturier details in the pattern and more than that, Heather’s expectation that I, an aging home sewer, am up to the challenge.
When I ordered the pattern, I also ordered the tailoring supplies and the online course sold by Closet Core. I wanted all the help I could get. I circled around this project for several months before I plunged in, and once I started it took less than two weeks to complete.

Heather of Closet Core strongly recommends making a muslin before beginning to sew the blazer. This was important for me as I wanted to adjust the pattern from the fitted style to a boxier, more casual fit. The ebook holds your hand through this. Then, once I made the muslin, I realized that I also had to make a sloped shoulder adjustment. Again, the fitting e-book helped me diagnose and solve my fit issues. I even added an extra layer to one of the shoulder pads!
I used some lovely gray herringbone wool which I have had for a long time, bought at the Dorr Mill Store in New Hampshire. The under collar is made from a recycled Pendelton skirt. I washed both wools in the washing machine on the gentle cycle and popped in the dryer for 10 minutes.

This blazer is my first try at welt pockets, shoulder pads, fine bemburg lining, silk basting stitches, welt interfacing etc etc. Many firsts. Of course it’s not perfect. And there were moments of anguish. The lining has a small seam ripper slit which I carefully patched and my button holer balked at the thick wool, leaving me a button hole which needed some hand-stitching help. But it is the blazer I envisioned, every stitch of it!

Christine, your new blazer is beautiful, a perfect fit. I must admit that I check every several months to see if you’ve posted anything and I’m always thrilled when I find something new. I’m not a social media fan so rely on blog posts for my favorite updates, and I do understand that Instagram is the preferred outlet for most users these days.
We met in Jule Marie Smith’s Green Mtn class in June 2012. I admired your handbag and ended up buying your Fuchsia Luna bag. It’s travelled all over Europe with me!
I was pleased to see your contribution to Karen Miller’s book Eyes Open to the World. I’ve always admired your watercolors, sketches, rugs and garments you blog about and wanted you to know, even though they are not frequent, that your posts are appreciated and enjoyed! Thank you.
Fairfax VA
Hi Katie
Thanks so much for the lovely comment. It means a great deal to know that you enjoy my work–and that the Fuchsia Luna bag worked out so well.
I hope you will stay in touch
Christine xo