I began a new style of tote today. It is a heavy-duty shopper. I have been looking at this beautiful cherry leather remnant for a while. It was just enough for a tote, 13 x 14 x 4″ so I combined it with mahogany leather straps . It is only partially finished, but well enough along for me to tell that I will like it. Inside it has two leather pockets — a 7 inch zippered one, and one just for your phone. And it has a zipper closing. But is unlined, au naturel. I seem to be on a run of unlined ‘rough’ bags–but when the leather is lovely and durable, it works! A great straight-forward, hard-working beautiful bag. I hope to post pictures next week of this and this one finished.
Yesterday we were in Picton where I saw this joyous tribute to fibre and flair in a small park. I looked to see who had left these ‘sculptures’ but there was no hint. But thought I had to share it with you. It is a fitting way to say cherish the weekend — for those of us in Canada, our Thanksgiving weekend. And most important, cherish all those you love.
What a wonderful bag – I love the design, so simple and classic – and the great colour. Thanks for sharing the knit bombing photos. I was just explaining to some non-knitting guests what knit bombing was. I don’t think they really got it!! lol
Christine, I love the bag, cherry red, Gaspe, bags… a few of my very favourite things :-)))