I was in Toronto this week to hear Cheryl Strayed and watch the film of Strayed’s book Wild. Here is an article recounting a different interview on a different continent, but it captures the essence of what I heard on Monday night. Powerful, funny and enlightening. The film was powerful too, but not a patch on the book or listening to Strayed in person. Here is a link to Strayed’s reading list for the hike.
Over the two days I was there, I had time for a couple of sketches. The first is at our local train station which you have seen before. It is one of my favourite buildings in the city and I am always happy it is still there as it sits empty these days. This sketch is from the vantage point of the new station and the perspective was a challenge. I only had the time before my train arrived to do the drawing and I added paint later. The second drawing was done in a café looking up University Avenue just before going to the film.
At bottom is a super quick sketch of a not-very-interesting building. Again it is done from a café the day after the talk. I am often in this café when I’m in Toronto because the building across the road, although uninteresting to look at, is full of all kinds of hardware, rivets, interfacing and zippers I need for my leather bags.
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