The hooking group is making great progress. Some are working on their second and third projects. We are runnimg out of t-shirts so they are bringing material from home. And we have found big rolls of jersey in dark colours in the supply cupboard. This will be great for backgrounds–and every rug hooker knows it is a comfort to have enough background.
Last week two groups of elementary students came to see what we are doing. The young women were so helpful teaching the children and the two teachers got a chance to try their hand at hooking. All the donated hooks were in use! It was a delight to watch.
Well how terrific is that..keep up the good work ladies :-))))
Amazing work mom!!
The intense eagerness on the children’s face to learn and create is breathtaking.
What beautiful photos!!!! Their faces say it all – such joy!
Very impressed with the work Chrisitine. The students really look focused and happy with their work.
Christine – The colours look great – in the hooking and in the environment. The hookers appear to be so engaged in their work………….I can actually remember what that feels like! They seem to love the gifts you have brought in your suitcases and in your heart.